Central Harlem
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60 West 142 Street,
Manhattan, NY 10037

257 Units

Built in 1959

16 Floors

Rent Stabilized Units: Yes
Good Cause Eviction: Yes
Evictions: 26
Litigation History: Yes
1 Year Bedbug History: No
Landlords in NYC are required to file an annual bedbug report with the city and state whether the building has had a bedbug infestation in the past year. We found no recent bedbug reports from these city filings.
Pet Friendly: Yes
On openigloo, we crowdsource building reviews to determine whether a building is pet friendly. We update this data when at least one tenant reports that the building is pet friendly.
Building Overview
Building Report
Review Summary for 60 West 142 Street
Summarized from anonymous rental reviews on openigloo.
Recent tenant reviews emphasize major cleanliness and maintenance issues in the building, leading to safety concerns and discomfort. Residents discuss poor management response to serious issues like pest control, safety, and infrastructure maintenance. While some praise the efforts for package security and water pressure, overall dissatisfaction with living conditions prevails. The lack of effective security, constant maintenance problems, and safety hazards significantly impact residents' experiences, suggesting a need for urgent improvement in building upkeep and management practices to ensure a safe and habitable environment for tenants.
Open Violations
A violation is issued to a building when a city inspector from NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development validates and confirms a complaint made to 311. The violations listed below are open violations that have yet to be addressed or have not been confirmed as resolved by the city.
Only open violations from the last 10 years.
Data last updated 3 days ago.
0.68 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
The average number of violations per unit at 60 West 142 Street is better than the city.
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Dec 08, 2024: § 27-2005 adm code repair the broken or defective plastered surfaces and paint in a uniform color at ceiling in the 2nd room from east located at apt 15j, 14th story, 1st apartment from south at west , section ''north''
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Jan 05, 2025: § 27-2005 adm code properly repair with similar material the broken or defective caulking around sink in the kitchen located at apt 11f, 11th story, 1st apartment from south at west
Show all
Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Jan 25, 2025: § 27-2031 adm code provide hot water at all hot water fixtures in the entire apartment located at apt 17a, 16th story, 2nd apartment from north at east
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
Show all
Property Owners and Associates
Hp Savoy Park Ii Hdfc
Corporate Owner
11 Properties1819 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 161
Hp Sunset Park I Hdfc Inc
Corporate Owner
74 Properties3313 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 241
Fairstead Management LLC
87 Properties3539 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 251
Shelly Hair
Site Manager
Head Officer
7 Properties1804 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 161
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Building Ratings

Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (5)

8 months ago
Former Tenant
Nothing. The worst place in the world
Everything. Maintence sucks, nothing gets fixed, people get stabbed etc
Advice to owner:
Shame on u
9 months ago
Best of times, worst of times
Former Tenant
I absolutely love my neighbors! On my floor and side I have the nicest neighbors
I wish it were maintained better. It's 2024, so why do I have a fuse box?
Over 2 years ago
Nice place to live
Former Tenant
Management answer emails and try to be responsive to issues .
As it is a big building sometimes can get dirty at the lobby , laundry room is too small and very few machines last but not least . I don’t feel safe at all in the property. It is a gated community however I notice that the gates are always open, the intercoms doesn’t work sobrepõem waiting outside just to find the building doors open is constantly an issue . A gated community where there gates are always open should be called broken gated community with homeless inside digging in to the trash cans.
Advice to owner:
Safety in the building please . Fix the intercoms and broken gates
Over 2 years ago
Run far away from this place!!!!
Former Tenant
Didn’t like anything about this place! Was so happy to move!
This place is disgusting! Roach infested! Disrespectful neighbors! Laundry room was unsafe. You have to bring something to defend yourself. Made constant complaints to the management office and they wouldn’t do anything to help the situation. They let things get out of hand to where it became a dangerous situation to live in. You have to constantly call the cops because their “fake security” doesn’t do anything. I wish I would have listened to all the bad reviews because they are all real! Just run far from this place so you don’t get trapped in a nightmare.
Advice to owner:
You have so much to fix in this building! I suggest you get a whole new management team including the security department!! You should be ashamed at how the tenants are treated. I shouldn’t have had to call the cops on my neighbors for not feeling safe in my own home. Shame on you guys for not taking care of matters. I always warn people not to move here. It’s disgusting!!
Over 3 years ago
Loved here too long
Former Tenant
The owners tried to fix the missing package issue bu installing the package lockers but the room is a mess and the lockers don’t always work. It’s one step in the right direction but still hard to retrieve packages.
The idea of being a gated community is great but the gates are always broken
I’ve had an AC leaking into the apartment causing damage to the wall and the floor and I’ve reported it several times over the years. Each time they send someone to pack the wall but never to fix the issue with the leaking AC.
In the bathroom if you don’t have a window you will get mold on the walls over time because the fan/vent does not work.
The gates never work and the buzzer is often broken so you have to go downstairs to get your deliveries or let your guests in.
The package room is a mess.
The lobby could stand to be cleaned more than once a day.
There is often a puddle of water in the laundry room
Advice to owner:
The rent you’re changing is pretty up there and the amenities available should reflect the costs. It has not been enjoyable to live here long term.
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