315 West 102 Street,
Manhattan, NY 10025

36 Units

Built in 1922

9 Floors

Rent Stabilized Units: Yes
Good Cause Eviction: Yes
Evictions: 0
Litigation History: Yes
1 Year Bedbug History: No
Pet Friendly: Yes
Available Listings In 315 West 102 Street
Upper West Side
315 West 102 Street #3A
2 beds1 bathEst. Nov 2024
Upper West Side
315 West 102 Street #9D
1 bed1 bathEst. Nov 2024
Hey smart renter!
In the past three years, this building had:
940 complaints
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Open Violations
A violation is issued to a building when a city inspector from NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development validates and confirms a complaint made to 311. The violations listed below are open violations that have yet to be addressed or have not been confirmed as resolved by the city.
Duration in the past 10 years.
Data last updated 6 days ago.
6.72 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Aug 24, 2024: § 27-2013 adm code paint with light colored paint to the satisfaction of this department ceiling and door at west entrance in the 3rd room from north at east located at apt 9b, 9th story, 1st apartment from east at south
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Sep 03, 2024: § 27-2026 adm code repair the leaky and/or defective faucets at bathtub in the bathroom located at apt 9b, 9th story, 1st apartment from east at south
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Sep 03, 2024: § 27-2005 adm code & 309 m/d law abate the nuisance consisting of scalding hot water temperature exceeding 130 fahrenheits at all hot water fixtures in the entire apartment located at apt 9b, 9th story, 1st apartment from east at south
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
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Property Owners and Associates
West End Firm, LLC
Corporate Owner
2 Properties100 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
Vince Young
Head Officer
5 Properties155 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 1
Hk Firm 1, LLC
Corporate Owner
6 Properties228 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 1
Rafael Herrera Jr
Site Manager
1 Property36 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
Frequently Asked Questions

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Building Ratings

1 (unmanaged) to 5 (well managed)
Garbage Management
1 (poorly managed) to 5 (well organized)
1 (faulty) to 5 (working)
1 (loud / disrespectful) to 5 (friendly and considerate)
Noise Levels
1 (loud) to 5 (quiet)
Owner Responsiveness
1 (slow) to 5 (timely)
Pest Control
1 (lots of pests) to 5 (no pests)
Water Pressure
1 (weak) to 5 (strong)
Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (2)

just now
Great building, mostly great neighbors. Don't live in 3B.
Former Tenant
Beautiful building, large spacious apartments. Vermin sightings are sparse. Garbage is picked up regularly from the dumping spots in the hallways. Laundry in building. Everyone save for three women in the building are all lovely, the best neighbors you could ask for and I remain friends with them even though I've moved out.
I lived in a third floor apartment subleasing from an older woman who has lived there for some years. DO NOT LIVE WITH HER. She is very good at coming across as very normal at first, but she is a really bad person and she's profoundly disturbed. She's literally angry 24/7 and starts fights with anyone about anything. She will steal your belongings. She will monitor toilet paper usage and hound you about it. She broke into apartments and stole neighbors' money some years back, and she apparently charmed some old heiress next door into leaving her 60k into her will. Many of her housemates have called the police on her for harassment. When you leave she'll refuse to return your security deposit. The common areas reek of cat urine.

She's currently being evicted, but chances are she'll find a way to stay and will die in that apartment.

Aside from that: the landlord is a soulless, greedy guy and non-responsive. He has the super do his dirty work for him. The super has a politician's charm, but is sly and dishonest. My neighbors found my front door key one day. I know because they told me and said they gave it to the super. When I asked him about it, he claimed it was a completely different key, and I had to pay him $25 for a replacement. Yeah ok buddy. He also neglects responding to matters in 315's apartments because he has a side job as a handyman in the neighboring buildings. He gets paid to do those jobs so he of course prioritizes them. His nice act is to cover for all the ways he's messing you over.
Advice to owner:
The owner and super need to rehumanize themselves. Stop raising the rent to bleed your longtime tenants dry. Be responsive to apartment maintenance matters. Don't lie and steal from your tenants for a lousy $25 when you're rich as hell already. There are a lot of tenants that have been here for ages, they are not rich, and you're taking them for all they're worth. I also know you've illegally decontrolled a lot of these apartments. Karma will get you one day.
Over 1 year ago
Great place to live!
Former Tenant
The super is amazing! The neighbors are awesome! The neighborhood itself is very quiet and welcoming. Everyone in the building and on the block is super friendly. The building is kept clean and when there is an issue it is tended to immediately.
I did have a mouse/rat that visited my apartment on a few occasions...but they had the exterminator in right away and took care of the issue promptly.
Advice to owner:
Keep doing what you're doing. :)