Central Harlem
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7 West 125 Street,
Manhattan, NY 10027

29 Units

Built in 2014

6 Floors

Rent Stabilized Units: Unknown
We use both renters self-reports and the annual DHCR registrations to determine if a building has rent-stabilized units. It is possible that a landlord missed an annual registration and therefore the info is not reflected on openigloo. We update this data when the city updates their records. Learn more about rent-stabilization
Evictions: 0
Eviction information is pulled from NYC housing court records. There are no legally registered evictions associated with this property.
Litigation History: Yes
1 Year Bedbug History: No
Landlords in NYC are required to file an annual bedbug report with the city and state whether the building has had a bedbug infestation in the past year. We found no recent bedbug reports from these city filings.
Pet Friendly: Yes
On openigloo, we crowdsource building reviews to determine whether a building is pet friendly. We update this data when at least one tenant reports that the building is pet friendly.
Building Overview
Building Report
Review Summary for 7 West 125 Street
Summarized from anonymous rental reviews on openigloo.
Recent tenant reviews for 6 WEST 126 STREET highlight a modern and clean environment with excellent pest control and water pressure. However, concerns include excessive dog population affecting cleanliness, rooftop maintenance issues, and noise problems like thin walls and street noise. The super is commended for responsiveness, but the management company receives criticism for delays and unresponsiveness. Location drawbacks are mentioned, like noise from neighboring apartments, unenforced smoking rules, and cheap appliances. Recommendations focus on improved management and building quality, reflecting a mixed sentiment towards renting in this building.
Open Violations
A violation is issued to a building when a city inspector from NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development validates and confirms a complaint made to 311. The violations listed below are open violations that have yet to be addressed or have not been confirmed as resolved by the city.
Only open violations from the last 10 years.
Data last updated 2 days ago.
0.03 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
The average number of violations per unit at 7 West 125 Street is better than the city.
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
No violation found...
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
No violation found...
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
No violation found...
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
Nov 22, 2024: §27-2107 adm code owner failed to file a valid registration statement with the department as required by adm code §27-2097 and is therefore subject to civil penalties, prohibited from certifying violations, and denied the right to recover possession of premises for nonpayment of rent until a valid registration statement is filed.
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Property Owners and Associates
Jack Cohen
1 Property29 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
CA 5-15 West 126th LLC
Corporate Owner
1 Property29 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
Milton Sonneberg
Head Officer
1 Property29 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
Dritan Ajazi
Site Manager
1 Property29 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
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Building Ratings

Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (3)

Over 1 year ago
It's Dog City
Former Tenant
It is very modern, clean and I've never had any pest issues. The super is also VERY responsive and I can text him at any time and he responds. He also makes it a point to make sure tenants are happy. The view is also amazing.
Way too many dogs in the building. It can cause the hallways to smell like urine and animals. The rooftop could be better maintained and especially for the spring/summer months.
Advice to owner:
Manage the dog owners and how many you allow in the building. Those of us who are not dog owners don't want to feel like we're living in a dog park.
Over 2 years ago
Nice building, horrible management & location
Former Tenant
The building is nice with spacious units and virtual doorman, many with private outdoor space. The common roof deck on the 4th floor is spacious, though the way it is oriented blocks skyline views and there is no other common space like gym, etc. that would be expected at this price. Building attracts mostly professionals who are friendly but mostly keep to themselves. The super Tony is amazing and responsive (though management company is horrible).
We had major leaks during storm season and spotty a/c during the entire time we lived there. Super Tony tried to address as best he could, but ACHS dragged their feet with every request. Major issues getting things approved with ACHS management company. We had to break our lease but had lined up a brokerage company to photograph and list the unit at a higher price on our behalf and made sure we were fully paid. ACHS management made the process extremely difficult, sending us angry all caps emails, and jipped us on our deposit. Walls are paper thin and units facing 126th will have lots of street noise. The area is also not that great: it is close to 2,3 train at 125th and the Whole Foods but far from the bars & restaurants and nicer park space by Frederick Douglass Blvd.
Advice to owner:
Like a lot of newer buildings, 6W126 has nice finishes and spacious layouts but the build quality is suspicious. Our fridge and a/c unit never worked properly and we lived there almost 4 years. Wonderful super, but horrible greedy management company that took months to approve major fixes due to leaks and handle a deposit issue. I would not recommend anyone rent in this building due to property management alone.
Over 3 years ago
Paper thin walls and bad management
Former Tenant
The building is in a good location
Horrible management company- non-responsive, unorganized, does not enforce rules of the building.
Paper thin walls and ceilings - you will hear everything (and I mean everything) in your neighbors apartment.
This is supposed to be a nonsmoking building but it is not. People smoke and my apartment stinks from the neighbors cigarettes.
Appliances are extremely cheap and break all the time. Management takes their sweet time to fix them.
Advice to owner:
Get a new management team. You are charging a very premium rent for this neighborhood and the renters in your building deserve better
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