2600 Netherland Avenue,
Manhattan, NY 10463

569 Units

Built in 1975

30 Floors

Rent Stabilized Units: Yes
Good Cause Eviction: Yes
Evictions: 17
Litigation History: Yes
1 Year Bedbug History: Yes
Pet Friendly: Unknown
Available Listings In 2600 Netherland Avenue
Spuyten Duyvil
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3 beds2 bathsEst. Oct 2024
Spuyten Duyvil
2600 Netherland Avenue #1020
3 beds2 bathsEst. Aug 2024
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2600 Netherland Avenue #2806
2 beds2 bathsEst. Jan 2025
Hey smart renter!
In the past three years, this building had:
804 complaints
See all complaints about this building in a rental report
Open Violations
A violation is issued to a building when a city inspector from NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development validates and confirms a complaint made to 311. The violations listed below are open violations that have yet to be addressed or have not been confirmed as resolved by the city.
Duration in the past 10 years.
Data last updated 22 hours ago.
0.1 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
Aug 30, 2024: § 27-2005 hmc: properly repair or replace the broken or defective rubber gasket around refrigerator door in the kitchen located at apt 2018, 20th story, 3rd apartment from south at west
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
Aug 30, 2024: § 27-2005 adm code repair the broken or defective plastered surfaces and paint in a uniform color the celing and all walls in the bathroom located at apt 2018, 20th story, 3rd apartment from south at west
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
Aug 30, 2024: hmc adm code: § 27-2017.4 abate the infestation consisting of roaches in the entire apartment located at apt 2018, 20th story, 3rd apartment from south at west
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
No violation found...
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Property Owners and Associates
Century Tower Associates NY LLC
Corporate Owner
1 Property569 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 16
Steve King
Site Manager
1 Property569 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 17
Hampton Management CO
10 Properties2445 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 106
Seth Schochet
Head Officer
10 Properties2445 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 109
Frequently Asked Questions

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Building Ratings

1 (unmanaged) to 5 (well managed)
Garbage Management
1 (poorly managed) to 5 (well organized)
1 (faulty) to 5 (working)
1 (loud / disrespectful) to 5 (friendly and considerate)
Noise Levels
1 (loud) to 5 (quiet)
Owner Responsiveness
1 (slow) to 5 (timely)
Pest Control
1 (lots of pests) to 5 (no pests)
Water Pressure
1 (weak) to 5 (strong)
Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (5)

Over 1 year ago
Don’t live here - bad management- thin walls
Former Tenant
The gym is great ( but it’s an extra 250 dollars charge per family)
Relatively close to public transport
Walking distance to the bus and metro north
Only 20 minutes walk downhill to the subway
Great view Hudson river or city and Harlem river
1. Victor is the biggest incompetent property manager I have ever seen. He doesn’t care barely answers and when he does he will twist your words and won’t do anything.
2. Neighbors can be noisy, I have a psycho living next door who screams at odd hours and punch the walls. Several complaints to the management didn’t really help.
3. The building doesn’t enforce the lease clauses except for the payment. They won’t provide quite enjoyment they don’t enforce their own carpeting law which is sad because the neighbors above you can really open a gym above your head
4. It’s a 500 families building so there is always someone moving in or out and that means slow elevators and construction! A lot of construction! You won’t have a moment of quiet.

Oh and did I mention that the walls are paper thin? You can literally hear your neighbors snoring at night.
Advice to owner:
Fire Victor, invest in better insulation, treat your tenants with respect
Over 1 year ago
Pretty good for the price but a few issues
Former Tenant
Concierge in basement is convenient and safe so I know my packages won’t be stolen. Big Landry room. Convenient to metro north and big parking garage and gym in building. Rooms and windows are big and plenty kitchen cabinets and closet space.
The air conditioner and heat come from the same built in unit and the building decides when it switches over, and they actually have to come into the apartment to physically switch it. The a/c and heat are not very good. Only two elevators per tower and they are crowded at rush rime and slow. The discount for gym and parking in basement is minimal, so they’re both still ridiculous expensive. Some of the doormen are nice but others are rude and mean and one is a lech and makes me and my daughter feel unsafe. What’s up with the bathroom vent and what lives in There? I HAD TO THREATEN TI SUE TO GET MY DEPOSIT REFUNDED
Advice to owner:
Update the a/c and heating units and bathrooms instead of wasting money on new wallpaper and carpets in hallways and lobby. Get ride of the lech doorman. Close up vents and get better pest management.
Over 1 year ago
Be aware of the following
Former Tenant
The rental cost
I have recently moved out of the building, I hesitated to write a review but I think it is important because I would not want someone to go through something similar. I lived there for several years and I could no longer take living here.

The building is having a lot of tenant turn over.
A lot of younger tenants are moving in and the amount of marijuana smell is ridiculously strong. A lot of the older tenants with families are leaving and even the older tenants without kids because of this. I complained to management for two years straight and nothing major was done, after 1 year they told me to place a draft stopper under my door, NO they did not do it, they suggested that I do it. I put the draft stopper, and nothing happened. Some of the apartments, like mine have a balcony. I was up high on the 15th floor and I could see the younger tenants growing marijuana plants on their balcony. I would send management pictures too and still they did not address or even reply to my emails or calls. Even living in a higher floor you would think that it would be better with the smell but it wasn't.

Repairs – The building does not like to repair. They have a portal that you place your repairs and they never look at it. But then again there are close to 600 units in the building and about 2-3 handy men to service it all. And the handy men are not very good handy men. They expect tips to just look at the issue in your apartment then to fix it. I complained to management about this, because this should be part of our rental fee and no tip should be expected and their response was that they would look into it but never got back to me and next time I had an issue the same thing happened. The super Krish is non responsive and of no help. All he does is stand around and say no to everything or instruct to have a crappy job to be done. Its all about doing a botched job on top of the error or repair, not starting from scratch. Does not matter if there is mold or anything. Again, I had YouTube or had to outsource a handy man to fix it.

Rodents – yes there is rodents and lots. When I told the buildings super, he told me to put my name and apt on a list and that on Wednesdays an exterminator comes to inspect. The exterminator is one of the handy men, and he knocks, and gives you traps for me to place myself. And for the roaches, the same, they gave me roach spray so I can spray myself. How is that proper service?

Laundry room – the machines never work, something is always wrong. And the room is so small for close to 600 units.

Plumbing – the water pressure is not great and the drains are always getting clogged. Luckily there is YouTube that can always help in tough situations.

Building parking – extremely expensive. When I left, I was paying $475 a month. They are icon parking a separate company from the building management, but they pretend they are a one stop shop and they are NOT. There is also a lock out time when gates are closed. If you want 24/7 access, it is a different fee and you have to pay for a key for access aside from the monthly fee.

Building amenities – The gym and pool are extremely expensive.
Location & Commute to the City – aside from management, this was one of the reasons I moved. I work in the city and there are no trains just express bus to the city. The express bus is by schedule only, if you miss it you are screwed. And the commute is NOT the 20 minutes they say, it is 50 minutes on a good day into the city. Coming home is another beast. It is close to 2 + hours back home during the rush hour and forget it if its raining or snowing.

Rent - The rental increase and hidden charges are ridiculous. I tried fighting some and because of the fine print, I could not dispute it.

Stolen packages – Do not bother having a delivery service bring you something. They leave it at your door and it is stolen. You ask the doorman and its like speaking to a wall. They do not see anyone because they are fake doormen. Especially at night, the night doorman is sleeping and anyone from the street can just walk in.
Advice to owner:
Be attentive to your tenants, make sure you stay on top of the marijuana smell throughout the building and stop ignoring it. The younger tenants are ruining the building with their marijuana use/smell. When tenants report this issue and show you pictures of other tenants growing marijuana on their balcony, address the issue, do not ignore it. Also, keep tabs on the people with pets. They need to have rules because their is urine and poo in the elevators or in the carpet in the hallway, imagine stepping on urine when you exit the elevator, disgusting. The super needs to be a real super and be on top of repairs and fix the rodent issues. Management needs to get better doormen that are alert and not allow anyone in and do a real doorman job for the rental price. Attend to fixing the laundry room or get another one, its not enough for the amount of units! And lastly, stop it with the hidden cost of AC, heat, renewal fees/increases and closing costs and ALSO RETURN DEPOSITS TO TENANTS LEAVING!
Over 1 year ago
Thin walls and old building
Former Tenant
Close to metro north
Thin walls. You can hear everything
Advice to owner:
Insulate walls to reduce noise
Over 2 years ago
Deceptive renewal Offerings
Former Tenant
Fairly priced
Fairly clean
Fairly safe
Working to upgrade entire building
Building staff for most part great guys
Be careful with Hampton Managment, they verbally offered a two year lease, refused to honor it at closing.
Apt was infested w roaches and grout in bath covered with caulk to mask moldy grout, refused to change grout ( absolutely disgusting!) . “Included A/C” is only 2 months. No civility, people let dogs urinate in elevators, lobby and in areas w no dog signs, don’t clean up poo, heavy pot smell throughout building, noisy neighbors with no response from management, no system for having carts in lobby to carry groceries upstairs. Lobby often left unattended by night doorman, they offer deals on apt that are only available to new tenants unfairly preventing existing tenants from getting an = deal.
Advice to owner:
Do what you say you are going to do, honor and keep great tenants by treating them fairly. Offer good paying tenants same deals as you offer incoming new tenants take care of quality of life issues in building