489 Chauncey Street,
Brooklyn, NY 11233

6 Units

Built in 1905

3 Floors

Rent Stabilized Units: Yes
Good Cause Eviction: Yes
Evictions: 0
Litigation History: Yes
1 Year Bedbug History: No
Pet Friendly: Yes
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Hey smart renter!
In the past three years, this building had:
28 complaints
See all complaints about this building in a rental report
Open Violations
A violation is issued to a building when a city inspector from NYC's Department of Housing Preservation and Development validates and confirms a complaint made to 311. The violations listed below are open violations that have yet to be addressed or have not been confirmed as resolved by the city.
Duration in the past 10 years.
Data last updated 1 day ago.
0 violations per unit
0.81 violation per unit
class A
i.e. no peephole on a door, or no street # on the building, unlawful keeping of animals
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class B
i.e. smoke detector issues, inadequate lighting, no lighting for stairways
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Immediately hazardous
class C
i.e. rodents, pest, mold, inadequate heat or hot water, defective building parts
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Missing information/filings
class I
Missing or non-compliant with administrative information orders or filings
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Property Owners and Associates
Harrison Prospect Partners LLC
Corporate Owner
27 Properties236 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 22
Schmiel Weizer
Head Officer
2 Properties12 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 1
489 Chauncey Estate LLC
Corporate Owner
2 Properties14 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 0
1267 Lincoln Place LLC
Head Officer
50 Properties354 Units
Litigation History: Yes
Evictions: 12
Frequently Asked Questions

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Building Ratings

1 (unmanaged) to 5 (well managed)
Garbage Management
1 (poorly managed) to 5 (well organized)
1 (faulty) to 5 (working)
1 (loud / disrespectful) to 5 (friendly and considerate)
Noise Levels
1 (loud) to 5 (quiet)
Owner Responsiveness
1 (slow) to 5 (timely)
Pest Control
1 (lots of pests) to 5 (no pests)
Water Pressure
1 (weak) to 5 (strong)
Garbage Management
Noise Levels
Owner Responsiveness
Pest Control
Water Pressure

Renter Recommendations

--% of renters recommend this building

--% of renters approve of this owner

Rents and Deposits

-- of renters received their security deposits back
It HAS NOT been reported if this building accepts electronic rent payments.

Reviews (1)

just now
Good, but the management company is incompetent
Former Tenant
The building has a small gym area downstairs, and all of the machines are in good condition.
My unit (second floor) is very well insulated, we have only had to turn on the heat once or twice per year as long as all of the windows were closed.
The front room gets amazing sunlight, and in the back room is very quiet unless someone on the block is having a party in their backyard (which rarely happens).
The people who come to clean the front area of the building & take out trash do an amazing job, we’ve never seen bugs out there and there is rarely trash.
There is a sturdy bike rack at the front of the building.
The block is very chill, in the summers many people barbecue out front and there is a block party once per year.
The laundry machines use PayRange, so you don’t need to worry about quarters.
I have never had a package stolen out of the downstairs front hall.
Many people in the building have cats, and a couple have small dogs.
There is a small family of adorable cats that hang out outside the building. They are skittish, but it’s cute to see them basking in the summer sun.
Although it’s advertised, there is NOT roof access.
There are only 2 washing machines and 1 dryer for the entire building.
The management company’s “supers” who are sent for issues frequently make the problem worse or do a hack job. The left handrail up the front steps of the building has fallen off multiple times and is currently being held to the building with a couple of household screws (311 has been contacted about this but nothing more has been done by management in the past year). This is EXTREMELY dangerous as there are a few people in the building with mobility issues and if they fall due to this they could be greatly injured.
The gym downstairs is rarely cleaned (once or twice in the 2 years I have lived here) and there are no cleaning wipes made available. There isn’t trash, but people’s sweat and dirt tracked in by shoes builds up over time.
The management company has horrible timing— anything they schedule will inevitably be done late, rescheduled at the last minute, or just not done at all with nobody reaching out to you. I have missed multiple days of work due to a “building inspection” that was rescheduled three times, and the last time it was not rescheduled but nobody ever showed up.
The new lease as of 2023-24 has absurd points, including that they can terminate your lease for simply sitting on the stoop.
There is a single rent-stabilized unit in the building. Previously, the whole building was rent stabilized but the landlord went to great lengths to push everyone out and destabilize their units.
Advice to owner:
Get a better management company. Understand that the people who live here should be allowed to enjoy sitting outside in the summer, and that we have JOBS to pay you rent, so please do not mess with our work schedules for things that will not even be followed through with.