This building is clean, has reliable hot water and a/c and heat...friendly enough neighbors who don't get in your business. Only saw 2 roaches here, no mice...there is an ant problem however and the ll was slow to react which sucked.
Avoid subletting from At*ya S*mon, she is extremely controlling, manipulative and psychologically/emotionally abusive. She will start out seeming like a well-intentioned pest and asking you numerous deeply personal questions…if you say ANYTHING to her to get her off your back and out of your business, she will double down on the unwelcome behaviors and try to force you to engage with her. She loves to be the center of negative energy, she thrives off causing chaos. Do not move in with her as your sublandlord. The other sublandlord, R*ven, is so afraid from AS screaming at her that she will be exactly zero help in any conflicts with AS. AS will try to go on many power trips and control your behavior bc she gets some weird thrill out of being a sublandlord. She tries to control you under the auspices of wanting everything to be "green" and "clean"....she will cut the ac off if you turn it on when it's 85-90º outside but then when the weather dips below 65º she will turn the air on low to freeze you. She just wants a reaction. Just irrational, and if you say anything to her, her line is always "why didn't you tell me sooner" I am telling you now? Also the onus isn't on me to deal perfectly with your irrationality and controlling nature you weirdo. She will try to control when you clean, how much you clean, your recycling, where you place your things in the common area and even what tp you use (she prefers bamboo that disintegrates and sticks to you)...she even will move your stuff over and over again especially if you ask her to stop f*cking with your stuff. She will use your things under the guise of "this is a communal living space" and pretend like she doesn't understand the concept of personal property and didn't learn to leave others' things alone as a kid. She actually gets off on using things that don't belong to her, she loses your things and never replaces them. And again, I cannot stress this enough, if you directly tell her to fuck off (in nicer words) she will just feign innocence and go on a gaslighting tirade abt "green" and "communal" living. I did not sign up to have strangers who don't know how to take care of nice things use my good kitchen stuff that I bought with my own money...if you actually look at the stuff in the apt that AS provides that IS communal, it's all garbage: burnt out scraped up pans, melamine plates that can't even go in the microwave, mismatched cheap flatware...but she loves using other ppl's stuff (she admitted this) and will co-opt your things into the communal junk so that A. you lose things and leave them for her to acquire and B. bc she's trying to CONTROL you and cause you grief by losing your things. Living here has been like being back in my mom's house with her guilt tripping me for not cleaning/not being green, taking and moving my things as though I have no autonomy and then attempting to silence me when I react like a normal human.
Extremely thinly insulated...can hear neighbor's footsteps and conversations. Incredibly slow wifi, not good for wfh. Neighbors block the only exit with strollers and little red wagon. Neighbors have loud gatherings on weeknights just fyi if you are a light sleeper.
Advice to owner:
Fix the lock on the outside door that gets stuck, stop people from blocking the only exit.