Located between broadway and 31st ave. Lots of great food options, gyms, bars and very close to the train. The street is more or less quiet without a ton of foot traffic.
The building is horribly maintained. The basement and lobby often smell like garbage. When you walk through the stairways you'll see garbage and probably roaches as well. Most of the apartments along the compactors have roach infestations and the super is usually "out of the building" when the exterminators come. If the laundry machines have technical issues it's months before they are fixed. The building is rated D for energy efficiency and getting worked done is like pulling teeth.
Advice to owner:
Get yourself a super that can properly maintain the building and bring back the sign up sheet for exterminator service every two weeks. I know it's NY and people will live where they have to but this building shouldn't be like this.